Disassembly - A Simple javap CloneΒΆ

Javap is the defacto Java disassembler and is included when you installed the Oracle JDK. We can make a simple clone very easily using Jawa:

import click

from jawa.classloader import ClassLoader
from jawa.util.bytecode import OperandTypes

@click.option('--class-path', multiple=True, type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.argument('classes', nargs=-1)
def main(class_path, classes):
    loader = ClassLoader(*class_path)
    for class_ in classes:
        cf = loader[class_]

        # The constant pool.
        print('; {0:->60}'.format(' constant pool'))
        print('; {0:->60}'.format(
            ' total: {0}'.format(len(cf.constants))
        for constant in cf.constants:
            print('; {0:04}: {1!r}'.format(constant.index, constant))

        # The fields table.
        print('; {0:->60}'.format(' fields'))
        print('; {0:->60}'.format(
            ' total: {0}'.format(len(cf.fields))
        for field in cf.fields:
            print('; {0!r}'.format(field))

        # The methods table.
        print('; {0:->60}'.format(' methods'))
        print('; {0:->60}'.format(
            ' total: {0}'.format(len(cf.methods))
        for method in cf.methods:
            # Find all enabled flags and print them out (such as acc_public
            # and acc_private)
            flags = method.access_flags.to_dict()
            flags = [k for k, v in flags.items() if v]

            print('{0} {1} {2}({3}) {{'.format(
                ' '.join(flags),
                ', '.join(a.name + ('[]' * a.dimensions) for a in method.args)

            r = []
            if method.code:
                for ins in method.code.disassemble():
                    line = [
                        f'{ins.mnemonic:>15} <-'

                    for operand in ins.operands:
                        if isinstance(operand, dict):

                            OperandTypes.CONSTANT_INDEX: f'C[{operand.value}]',
                            OperandTypes.BRANCH: f'J[{operand.value}]',
                            OperandTypes.LITERAL: f'#[{operand.value}]',
                            OperandTypes.LOCAL_INDEX: f'L[{operand.value}]',
                            OperandTypes.PADDING: 'P'

                    print('  ' + ' '.join(line))

if __name__ == '__main__':

If we try this out on a HelloWorld class, our output will look like:

$ python disassemble.py --class-path ../tests/data HelloWorld                                                                                                                                                                                          develop
; ---------------------------------------------- constant pool
; -------------------------------------------------- total: 21
; 0001: <UTF8(index=1, value='HelloWorld'>)
; 0002: <ConstantClass(index=2, name=<UTF8(index=1, value='HelloWorld'>))>
; ----------------------------------------------------- fields
; --------------------------------------------------- total: 0
; ---------------------------------------------------- methods
; --------------------------------------------------- total: 1
acc_public acc_static void main(java/lang/String[]) {
  0000 [0xB2]       getstatic <- C[13]
  0003 [0x12]             ldc <- C[15]
  0005 [0xB6]   invokevirtual <- C[21]
  0008 [0xB1]          return <-