Disassembly - A Simple javap Clone ================================== `Javap`_ is the defacto Java disassembler and is included when you installed the Oracle JDK. We can make a simple clone very easily using Jawa: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/disassemble.py If we try this out on a HelloWorld class, our output will look like: .. code-block:: text $ python disassemble.py --class-path ../tests/data HelloWorld develop ; ---------------------------------------------- constant pool ; -------------------------------------------------- total: 21 ; 0001: ) ; 0002: ))> ... ; ----------------------------------------------------- fields ; --------------------------------------------------- total: 0 ; ---------------------------------------------------- methods ; --------------------------------------------------- total: 1 acc_public acc_static void main(java/lang/String[]) { 0000 [0xB2] getstatic <- C[13] 0003 [0x12] ldc <- C[15] 0005 [0xB6] invokevirtual <- C[21] 0008 [0xB1] return <- } .. _Javap: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/windows/javap.html