Source code for jawa.util.flags

__all__ = ('Flags',)
import struct

[docs]class Flags(object): """ Convenience class for handling bit flags. """ def __init__(self, binary_format, flags): object.__setattr__(self, 'binary_format', binary_format) object.__setattr__(self, 'flags', flags) object.__setattr__(self, '_value', 0) object.__setattr__(self, '_cache', struct.Struct(binary_format))
[docs] def pack(self): """ A shortcut for `struct.pack(flag.binary_format, flag.value)`. """ return self._cache.pack(self.value)
@property def value(self): """ The numeric value of the bitfield. """ return self._value
[docs] def unpack(self, source): """ A shortcut for `struct.unpack(flag.binary_format, <bytes>)`. """ self._value = self._cache.unpack(source)[0]
[docs] def get(self, name): """ Returns the value of the field `name`. """ return bool(self.flags[name] & self.value)
[docs] def set(self, name, value): """ Sets the value of the field `name` to `value`, which is `True` or `False`. """ flag = self.flags[name] self._value = (self.value | flag) if value else (self.value & ~flag)
def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr not in self.flags: return object.__getattr__(self, attr) return self.get(attr) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if attr not in self.flags: return object.__setattr__(self, attr, value) self.set(attr, value)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns this `Flags` object's fields as a dictionary. """ return dict((k, self.get(k)) for k in self.flags.keys())