from typing import Optional, Callable, Iterator, IO, List
from struct import unpack, pack
from itertools import repeat
from jawa.constants import UTF8
from jawa.util.flags import Flags
from jawa.util.descriptor import method_descriptor, JVMType
from jawa.attribute import AttributeTable
from jawa.attributes.code import CodeAttribute
[docs]class Method(object):
def __init__(self, cf):
self._cf = cf
self.access_flags = Flags('>H', {
'acc_public': 0x0001,
'acc_private': 0x0002,
'acc_protected': 0x0004,
'acc_static': 0x0008,
'acc_final': 0x0010,
'acc_synchronized': 0x0020,
'acc_bridge': 0x0040,
'acc_varargs': 0x0080,
'acc_native': 0x0100,
'acc_abstract': 0x0400,
'acc_strict': 0x0800,
'acc_synthetic': 0x1000
self._name_index = 0
self._descriptor_index = 0
self.attributes = AttributeTable(cf)
def descriptor(self) -> UTF8:
The UTF8 Constant containing the method's descriptor.
return self._cf.constants[self._descriptor_index]
def name(self) -> UTF8:
The UTF8 Constant containing the method's name.
return self._cf.constants[self._name_index]
def returns(self) -> JVMType:
A :class:`~jawa.util.descriptor.JVMType` representing the method's
return type.
return method_descriptor(self.descriptor.value).returns
def args(self) -> List[JVMType]:
A list of :class:`~jawa.util.descriptor.JVMType` representing the
method's argument list.
return method_descriptor(self.descriptor.value).args
def code(self) -> CodeAttribute:
A shortcut for :code:`method.attributes.find_one(name='Code')`.
return self.attributes.find_one(name='Code')
def __repr__(self):
return f'<Method(name={})>'
[docs] def unpack(self, source: IO):
Read the Method from the file-like object `fio`.
.. note::
Advanced usage only. You will typically never need to call this
method as it will be called for you when loading a ClassFile.
:param source: Any file-like object providing `read()`
self._name_index, self._descriptor_index = unpack('>HH',
[docs] def pack(self, out: IO):
Write the Method to the file-like object `out`.
.. note::
Advanced usage only. You will typically never need to call this
method as it will be called for you when saving a ClassFile.
:param out: Any file-like object providing `write()`
[docs]class MethodTable(object):
def __init__(self, cf):
self._cf = cf
self._table = []
[docs] def append(self, method: Method):
[docs] def find_and_remove(self, f: Callable):
Removes any and all methods for which `f(method)` returns `True`.
self._table = [fld for fld in self._table if not f(fld)]
[docs] def remove(self, method: Method):
Removes a `method` from the table by identity.
self._table = [fld for fld in self._table if fld is not method]
[docs] def create(self, name: str, descriptor: str,
code: CodeAttribute=None) -> Method:
Creates a new method from `name` and `descriptor`. If `code` is not
``None``, add a `Code` attribute to this method.
method = Method(self._cf)
name = self._cf.constants.create_utf8(name)
descriptor = self._cf.constants.create_utf8(descriptor)
method._name_index = name.index
method._descriptor_index = descriptor.index
method.access_flags.acc_public = True
if code is not None:
return method
def __iter__(self):
for method in self._table:
yield method
[docs] def unpack(self, source: IO):
Read the MethodTable from the file-like object `source`.
.. note::
Advanced usage only. You will typically never need to call this
method as it will be called for you when loading a ClassFile.
:param source: Any file-like object providing `read()`
method_count = unpack('>H',[0]
for _ in repeat(None, method_count):
method = Method(self._cf)
[docs] def pack(self, out: IO):
Write the MethodTable to the file-like object `out`.
.. note::
Advanced usage only. You will typically never need to call this
method as it will be called for you when saving a ClassFile.
:param out: Any file-like object providing `write()`
out.write(pack('>H', len(self)))
for method in self._table:
[docs] def find(self, *, name: str=None, args: str=None, returns: str=None,
f: Callable=None) -> Iterator[Method]:
Iterates over the methods table, yielding each matching method. Calling
without any arguments is equivalent to iterating over the table. For
example, to get all methods that take three integers and return void::
for method in cf.methods.find(args='III', returns='V'):
Or to get all private methods::
is_private = lambda m: m.access_flags.acc_private
for method in cf.methods.find(f=is_private):
:param name: The name of the method(s) to find.
:param args: The arguments descriptor (ex: ``III``)
:param returns: The returns descriptor (Ex: ``V``)
:param f: Any callable which takes one argument (the method).
for method in self._table:
if name is not None and != name:
descriptor = method.descriptor.value
end_para = descriptor.find(')')
m_args = descriptor[1:end_para]
if args is not None and args != m_args:
m_returns = descriptor[end_para + 1:]
if returns is not None and returns != m_returns:
if f is not None and not f(method):
yield method
[docs] def find_one(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[Method]:
Same as ``find()`` but returns only the first result.
return next(self.find(**kwargs), None)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._table)