Source code for jawa.constants

from struct import unpack, pack

from jawa.util.utf import decode_modified_utf8, encode_modified_utf8

[docs]class Constant(object): """ The base class for all ``Constant*`` types. """ __slots__ = ('pool', 'index') def __init__(self, pool, index): self.pool = pool self.index = index
[docs]class Number(Constant): __slots__ = ('value',) def __init__(self, pool, index, value): super().__init__(pool, index) self.value = value def __repr__(self): return ( f'{self.__class__.__name__}(' f'index={self.index}, value={self.value!r})' )
[docs]class UTF8(Constant): __slots__ = ('value',) TAG = 1 def __init__(self, pool, index, value): super().__init__(pool, index) self.value = value
[docs] def pack(self): encoded_value = encode_modified_utf8(self.value) return pack('>BH', self.TAG, len(encoded_value)) + encoded_value
def __repr__(self): return f'<UTF8(index={self.index}, value={self.value!r}>)'
[docs]class Integer(Number): TAG = 3
[docs] def pack(self): return pack('>Bi', self.TAG, self.value)
[docs]class Float(Number): TAG = 4
[docs] def pack(self): return pack('>Bf', self.TAG, self.value)
[docs]class Long(Number): TAG = 5
[docs] def pack(self): return pack('>Bq', self.TAG, self.value)
[docs]class Double(Number): TAG = 6
[docs] def pack(self): return pack('>Bd', self.TAG, self.value)
[docs]class ConstantClass(Constant): __slots__ = ('name_index',) TAG = 7 def __init__(self, pool, index, name_index): super().__init__(pool, index) self.name_index = name_index @property def name(self): return self.pool.get(self.name_index)
[docs] def pack(self): return pack('>BH', self.TAG, self.name_index)
def __repr__(self): return f'<ConstantClass(index={self.index}, name={!r})>'
[docs]class String(Constant): __slots__ = ('string_index',) TAG = 8 def __init__(self, pool, index, string_index): super().__init__(pool, index) self.string_index = string_index @property def string(self): return self.pool.get(self.string_index)
[docs] def pack(self): return pack('>BH', self.TAG, self.string_index)
def __repr__(self): return f'<String(index={self.index}, string={self.string!r})>'
[docs]class Reference(Constant): __slots__ = ('class_index', 'name_and_type_index') TAG = None def __init__(self, pool, index, class_index, name_and_type_index): super().__init__(pool, index) self.class_index = class_index self.name_and_type_index = name_and_type_index @property def class_(self): return self.pool.get(self.class_index) @property def name_and_type(self): return self.pool.get(self.name_and_type_index)
[docs] def pack(self): return pack( '>BHH', self.TAG, self.class_index, self.name_and_type_index )
def __repr__(self): return ( f'<{self.__class__.__name__}(' f'index={self.index},' f'class_={self.class_!r},' f'name_and_type={self.name_and_type!r})>' )
[docs]class FieldReference(Reference): TAG = 9
[docs]class MethodReference(Reference): TAG = 10
[docs]class InterfaceMethodRef(Reference): TAG = 11
[docs]class NameAndType(Constant): __slots__ = ('name_index', 'descriptor_index') TAG = 12 def __init__(self, pool, index, name_index, descriptor_index): super().__init__(pool, index) self.name_index = name_index self.descriptor_index = descriptor_index @property def name(self): return self.pool.get(self.name_index) @property def descriptor(self): return self.pool.get(self.descriptor_index)
[docs] def pack(self): return pack('>BHH', self.TAG, self.name_index, self.descriptor_index)
def __repr__(self): return ( f'<NameAndType(' f'index={self.index},' f'name={!r},' f'descriptor={self.descriptor!r})>' )
[docs]class MethodHandle(Constant): __slots__ = ('reference_kind', 'reference_index') TAG = 15 def __init__(self, pool, index, reference_kind, reference_index): super().__init__(pool, index) self.reference_kind = reference_kind self.reference_index = reference_index @property def reference(self): return self.pool.get(self.reference_index)
[docs] def pack(self): return pack('>BBH', self.TAG, self.reference_kind, self.reference_index)
def __repr__(self): return ( f'<MethodHandle(index={self.index}, reference={self.reference!r})>' )
[docs]class MethodType(Constant): __slots__ = ('descriptor_index',) TAG = 16 def __init__(self, pool, index, descriptor_index): super().__init__(pool, index) self.descriptor_index = descriptor_index @property def descriptor(self): return self.pool.get(self.descriptor_index)
[docs] def pack(self): return pack('>BH', self.TAG, self.descriptor_index)
def __repr__(self): return f'<MethodType(index={self.index},descriptor={self.descriptor})>'
[docs]class InvokeDynamic(Constant): __slots__ = ('bootstrap_method_attr_index', 'name_and_type_index') TAG = 18 def __init__(self, pool, index, bootstrap_method_attr_index, name_and_type_index): super().__init__(pool, index) self.bootstrap_method_attr_index = bootstrap_method_attr_index self.name_and_type_index = name_and_type_index @property def method_attr_index(self): return self.bootstrap_method_attr_index @property def name_and_type(self): return self.pool[self.name_and_type_index]
[docs] def pack(self): return pack( '>BHH', self.TAG, self.bootstrap_method_attr_index, self.name_and_type_index )
def __repr__(self): return ( f'<InvokeDynamic(' f'index={self.index},' f'method_attr_index={self.method_attr_index},' f'name_and_type={self.name_and_type!r})>' )
[docs]class Module(ConstantClass): __slots__ = ('name_index',) TAG = 19 def __repr__(self): return f'<Module(index={self.index}, name={!r})>'
[docs]class PackageInfo(ConstantClass): __slots__ = ('name_index',) TAG = 20 def __repr__(self): return f'<PackageInfo(index={self.index}, name={!r})>'
_constant_types = ( None, UTF8, None, Integer, Float, Long, Double, ConstantClass, String, FieldReference, MethodReference, InterfaceMethodRef, NameAndType, None, None, MethodHandle, MethodType, None, InvokeDynamic, Module, PackageInfo ) # The format and size-on-disk of each type of constant # in the constant pool. _constant_fmts = ( None, None, None, ('>i', 4), ('>f', 4), ('>q', 8), ('>d', 8), ('>H', 2), ('>H', 2), ('>HH', 4), ('>HH', 4), ('>HH', 4), ('>HH', 4), None, None, ('>BH', 3), ('>H', 2), None, ('>HH', 4) )
[docs]class ConstantPool(object): def __init__(self): self._pool = [None]
[docs] def append(self, constant): """ Appends a new constant to the end of the pool. """ self._pool.append(constant)
def __iter__(self): for index, constant in enumerate(self._pool): if constant is not None: yield self.get(index)
[docs] def get(self, index): """ Returns the `Constant` at `index`, raising a KeyError if it does not exist. """ constant = self._pool[index] if not isinstance(constant, Constant): constant = _constant_types[constant[0]](self, index, *constant[1:]) self._pool[index] = constant return constant
def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.get(idx) def __setitem__(self, idx, value): self._pool[idx] = value
[docs] def find(self, type_=None, f=None): """ Iterates over the pool, yielding each matching ``Constant``. Calling without any arguments is equivalent to iterating over the pool. :param type_: Any subclass of :class:`Constant` or ``None``. :param f: Any callable which takes one argument (the constant). """ for constant in self: if type_ is not None and not isinstance(constant, type_): continue if f is not None and not f(constant): continue yield constant
[docs] def find_one(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Same as ``find()`` but returns only the first result, or `None` if nothing was found. """ try: return next(self.find(*args, **kwargs)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def create_utf8(self, value): """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantUTF8`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param value: The value of the new UTF8 string. """ self.append((1, value)) return self.get(self.raw_count - 1)
[docs] def create_integer(self, value: int) -> Integer: """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantInteger`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param value: The value of the new integer. """ self.append((3, value)) return self.get(self.raw_count - 1)
[docs] def create_float(self, value: float) -> Float: """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantFloat`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param value: The value of the new float. """ self.append((4, value)) return self.get(self.raw_count - 1)
[docs] def create_long(self, value: int) -> Long: """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantLong`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param value: The value of the new long. """ self.append((5, value)) self.append(None) return self.get(self.raw_count - 2)
[docs] def create_double(self, value: float) -> Double: """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantDouble`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param value: The value of the new Double. """ self.append((6, value)) self.append(None) return self.get(self.raw_count - 2)
[docs] def create_class(self, name: str) -> ConstantClass: """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantClass`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param name: The name of the new class. """ self.append(( 7, self.create_utf8(name).index )) return self.get(self.raw_count - 1)
[docs] def create_string(self, value: str) -> String: """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantString`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param value: The value of the new string as a UTF8 string. """ self.append(( 8, self.create_utf8(value).index )) return self.get(self.raw_count - 1)
[docs] def create_name_and_type(self, name: str, descriptor: str) -> NameAndType: """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantNameAndType`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param name: The name of the class. :param descriptor: The descriptor for `name`. """ self.append(( 12, self.create_utf8(name).index, self.create_utf8(descriptor).index )) return self.get(self.raw_count - 1)
[docs] def create_field_ref(self, class_: str, field: str, descriptor: str) \ -> FieldReference: """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantFieldRef`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param class_: The name of the class to which `field` belongs. :param field: The name of the field. :param descriptor: The descriptor for `field`. """ self.append(( 9, self.create_class(class_).index, self.create_name_and_type(field, descriptor).index )) return self.get(self.raw_count - 1)
[docs] def create_method_ref(self, class_: str, method: str, descriptor: str) \ -> MethodReference: """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantMethodRef`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param class_: The name of the class to which `method` belongs. :param method: The name of the method. :param descriptor: The descriptor for `method`. """ self.append(( 10, self.create_class(class_).index, self.create_name_and_type(method, descriptor).index )) return self.get(self.raw_count - 1)
[docs] def create_interface_method_ref(self, class_: str, if_method: str, descriptor: str) -> InterfaceMethodRef: """ Creates a new :class:`ConstantInterfaceMethodRef`, adding it to the pool and returning it. :param class_: The name of the class to which `if_method` belongs. :param if_method: The name of the interface method. :param descriptor: The descriptor for `if_method`. """ self.append(( 11, self.create_class(class_).index, self.create_name_and_type(if_method, descriptor).index )) return self.get(self.raw_count - 1)
[docs] def unpack(self, fio): """ Read the ConstantPool from the file-like object `fio`. .. note:: Advanced usage only. You will typically never need to call this method as it will be called for you when loading a ClassFile. :param fio: Any file-like object providing `read()` """ # Reads in the ConstantPool (constant_pool in the JVM Spec) constant_pool_count = unpack('>H',[0] # Pull this locally so CPython doesn't do a lookup each time. read = while constant_pool_count > 1: constant_pool_count -= 1 # The 1-byte prefix identifies the type of constant. tag = ord(read(1)) if tag == 1: # CONSTANT_Utf8_info, a length prefixed UTF-8-ish string. # Only attempt to properly decode the MUTF8 if it fails # regular UTF8 decoding, which overs huge time savings over # large JARs. utf8_str = read(unpack('>H', read(2))[0]) try: utf8_str = utf8_str.decode('utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: utf8_str = decode_modified_utf8(utf8_str) self.append((tag, utf8_str)) else: # Every other constant type is trivial. fmt, size = _constant_fmts[tag] self.append((tag, *unpack(fmt, read(size)))) if tag == 5 or tag == 6: # LONG (5) and DOUBLE (6) count as two entries in the # pool. self.append(None) constant_pool_count -= 1
[docs] def pack(self, fout): """ Write the ConstantPool to the file-like object `fout`. .. note:: Advanced usage only. You will typically never need to call this method as it will be calle=d for you when saving a ClassFile. :param fout: Any file-like object providing `write()` """ write = fout.write write(pack('>H', self.raw_count)) for constant in self: write(constant.pack())
def __len__(self) -> int: """ The number of `Constants` in the `ConstantPool`, excluding padding. """ count = 0 for constant in self._pool: if constant is not None: count += 1 return count @property def raw_count(self) -> int: """ The number of `Constants` in the `ConstantPool`, including padding. """ return len(self._pool)