smartie.device module

High-level abstractions for enumerating devices and getting basic device information.

class smartie.device.Device(path: Path | str)[source]

Bases: ABC

A Device represents a high-level abstraction over a system block device.


Typically, an end user will never instantiate a Device directly, but instead use the get_device() function to get a Device instance for a given path. This function will automatically determine the correct subclass to use based on the platform and device type.


path – The filesystem path to the device (such as /dev/sda).

fd: int | None
get_filters() List[str][source]

Returns a list of filters that should be used when looking up this device in the device database.

property model: str | None

Returns the model name of the device.

path: str
property serial: str | None

Returns the serial number of the device.

property smart_table

Returns the SMART table for the device, if available.

property temperature: int | None

Returns the temperature of the device in degrees Celsius.

smartie.device.get_all_devices() Iterable[Device][source]

Yields all the devices detected on the host.

for device in get_all_devices():
    with device:
        print(device.model, device.serial)
smartie.device.get_device(path: Path | str) Device[source]

Returns a Device instance for the given path. This is a convenience function for the Device constructor which tries to automatically determine the correct subclass to use.

with get_device("/dev/sda") as device:
    print(device.model, device.serial)

path – The filesystem path to the device (such as /dev/sda).