Chancy ====== A postgres-backed task queue for Python. .. image:: :alt: MIT License .. image:: :alt: Codecov .. image:: :alt: PyPI Version .. image:: :alt: Supported Versions .. image::|%20macOS-blue :alt: OS Platforms .. image::|%2015%20|%2016%20|%2017-blue :alt: PostgreSQL Versions Key Features: ------------- - Jobs support priorities, retries, timeouts, scheduling, global rate limits, memory limits, global uniqueness, error capture, cancellation, and more - Minimal dependencies (only psycopg3 required) - Plugins for a :class:`dashboard`, :class:`workflows`, :class:`cron jobs`, and :doc:`much more ` - Optional transactional enqueueing for atomic job creation - asyncio & sync APIs for easy integration with existing codebases - 100% open & free - no enterprise or paid features. Checkout the repo on `GitHub `_. Quick Start ----------- .. tab:: CLI Install Chancy & its CLI: .. code-block:: bash pip install chancy[cli] Create a new file called ````: .. code-block:: python :caption: from chancy import Chancy, job @job(queue="default") def hello_world(*, name: str): print(f"Hello, {name}!") chancy = Chancy("postgresql://localhost/postgres") Then run the database migrations: .. code-block:: bash chancy --app worker.chancy misc migrate Declare a queue: .. code-block:: bash chancy --app worker.chancy queue declare default --concurrency 10 Push a job: .. code-block:: bash chancy --app worker.chancy queue push worker.hello_world --kwargs '{"name": "world"}' Start a worker: .. code-block:: bash chancy --app worker.chancy worker start .. tab:: Code Install Chancy: .. code-block:: bash pip install chancy Create a new file called ````: .. code-block:: python :caption: import asyncio from chancy import Chancy, Worker, Queue, job @job(queue="default") def hello_world(*, name: str): print(f"Hello, {name}!") chancy = Chancy("postgresql://localhost/postgres") async def main(): async with chancy: # Run the database migrations await chancy.migrate() # Declare a queue await chancy.declare(Queue("default", concurrency=10)) # Push a job await chancy.push(hello_world.job.with_kwargs(name="World")) # Start the worker (ctrl+c to exit) async with Worker(chancy) as worker: await worker.wait_for_shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": Congratulations! You've just run your first Chancy job. Next, explore the :doc:`How To ` or :doc:`plugins `. Dashboard --------- Chancy comes with a built-in :class:`dashboard ` - no need to run a separate service like Flower. .. image:: ../misc/ux_jobs.png :alt: Jobs page .. image:: ../misc/ux_job_failed.png :alt: Failed job page .. image:: ../misc/ux_queue.png :alt: Queue page .. image:: ../misc/ux_workflow.png :alt: Worker page Similar Projects ---------------- With the addition of modern Postgres features like ``LISTEN/NOTIFY`` and ``SELECT FOR UPDATE...SKIP LOCKED``, postgres-backed task queues have become a viable alternative to other task queues built on RabbitMQ or redis like celery_. As such the space is exploding with new projects. Here are some of the most popular ones if Chancy doesn't fit your needs: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 60 * - Project - Language - Note * - celery_ - Python - The defacto Python task queue * - procastinate_ - Python - * - oban_ - Elixir - Inspired many of the features in Chancy * - river_ - Go - * - neoq_ - Go - * - faktory_ - Go - * - pg-boss_ - Node.js - * - graphile_ - Node.js - * - Minion_ - Perl - .. _celery: .. _oban: .. _river: .. _procastinate: .. _graphile: .. _neoq: .. _faktory: .. _pg-boss: .. _Minion: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: Contents: :hidden: howto/index chancy design faq Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`